
Transformations may be required for several reasons:

  1. To test the ability of a building block to model information from a particular source (that does not conform to the building block specification).

Accordingly, different types of transformations may be required:

  1. Encoding translations (e.g. XML -> JSON)
  2. Schema transformations
  3. Semantic transformations (entailments, equivalent terms)
  4. Content transformations (terminology)

Note that the Building Blocks viewer application is still being developed to show all types of transformation in appropriate places.

Transformation tools

Building Blocks are technology agnostic, however rich support exists for JSON Schema and JSON-LD/RDF:

  • SHACL (AF- advances features) SPARQL rules are powerful for schema, semantic and content transformation rules.
  • JQ may be used for pure JSON transformations

Custom code may be used for transformation and validation. (details TBD)


A key example is the mismatch between the GeoJSON geometry model and the GeoSPARQL geometry model. This requires the transformation of both structure and vocabulary to convert GeoJSON to valid GeoSPARQL - see this example

The transformation specification is here:

Technical Documentation