Quick Start - local build

Quick how-to create

  1. Install docker
  2. Check out any valid Building Block implementation (e.g. bblocks-examples)
  3. cd to the new directory
  4. run build.sh or build.bat if present
    • this will access the current build scripts and compile the building block locally
    • if not present run the command
      # Process building blocks
      docker run --pull=always --rm --workdir /workspace -v "$(pwd):/workspace" \
      ghcr.io/opengeospatial/bblocks-postprocess  --clean true --base-url http://localhost:9090/register/
  5. run the view.sh or view.bat to preview the local build
    • if not present run
      docker run --rm --pull=always -v "$(pwd):/register" -p 9090:9090 ghcr.io/ogcincubator/bblocks-viewer

      You can now experiment with the source material - or proceed to create your own building blocks.

(create a fork if you want to update the the repository so you can submit pull requests. The local build outputs will be ignored automatically on updates.)

Postprocessing a subset of building blocks

Adding --filter {id} to the docker build command, where {id} is a Building Block id such as ogc.bbr.examples.feature.externalSchema will limit processing to a single BBlock