Postprocessing overview

This repository comes with a GitHub workflow that detects, validates and processes its building blocks, so that their outputs can be tested before inclusion in the main OGC Register:

OGC Building Blocks processing

Output testing

The outputs can be generated locally by running the following:

# Process building blocks
docker run --pull=always --rm --workdir /workspace -v "$(pwd):/workspace" \  --clean true --base-url http://localhost:9090/register/


  • Docker must be installed locally for the above commands to run
  • The syntax for -v "$(pwd):/workspace" may vary depending on your operating system
  • Output files will be created under build-local (not tracked by git by default)
  • The value for --base-url will be used to generate the public URLs (schemas, documentation, etc.). In this case, we use the local http://localhost:9090/register/ URL to make the output compatible with the viewer when running locally (see below). If omitted, the value will be autodetected from the repository metadata.

Building Blocks Viewer

You can also preview what the output will look like inside the Building Blocks Viewer application:

docker run --rm --pull=always -v "$(pwd):/register" -p 9090:9090


  • Make sure to compile the register before running the viewer (or delete build-local altogether to view the current build inside build).
  • Docker must be installed locally for the above commands to run
  • The syntax for -v "$(pwd):/register" may vary depending on your operating system
  • -p 9090:9090 will publish the Viewer on port 9090 on your machine